Club United Members - January Newsletter

Newsletter - 2024-01-16

A new, monthly newsletter for our Club United members

As we thought about our vision for 2024, we wanted to make sure our monthly donors -- YOU -- feel truly a part of our mission. To accomplish this goal, we have decided to implement a new monthly newsletter that will keep you up to date on the impact you created and upcoming events at Histurn.

We could not do this work without you. Thank you for being a part of our team!

Our Second Annual Banquet - April 25, 2024

It's that time of year again. We are preparing to have our second annual fundraising banquet on April 25, 2024. To honor you who are already giving to us faithfully, we want to extend an invitation to take part in our banquet in a tangible way. We are hoping to have 15 tables "hosted" for our event. Our table hosts will invite their team of people to the event to hear more about our mission and vision. If you would like to be a table host for our event or just attend our event (without being a table host), head over to our event website to register.

We are grateful for your help in spreading our mission to your team of people!

Our Spring season starts soon!

On January 29, all of our programs will start up again! We are excited for the Spring 2024 season. Please pray for the following requests:

  1. Strength for our coaches as they love our children on a weekly basis.
  2. That our children would remember their worth as we talk about Psalm 139 and related Bible stories.
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